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This Policy is to serve as a guideline for receivers and guaranty associations. Statement of Policy It is the policy of the maasys.com to protect against the unauthorized access, use, corruption, disclosure, and distribution of non-public personal information (as further defined in the [maasys.com]’s adopted Data Privacy and Security Procedures (“Procedures”) in its possession, and to comply with all applicable state and federal laws and regulations regarding such information. The [maasys.com] shall hold non-public personal information in strict confidence and shall not release or disclose such information to any person except as required or authorized by law and only to such persons who are authorized to receive it. The maasys.com shall not utilize any non-public personal information for any purpose other than the administration of a receivership or in the event that it assists a regulator in the supervision of an insurer. In furtherance of this policy, the [maasys.com] shall adopt procedures for the administrative, technical and physical safeguarding of all non-public personal information. The [maasys.com] shall ensure that an entity retained by it, or any other entity that utilizes information provided by the [maasys.com] to carry out its responsibilities, shall have signed and agreed to abide by the terms of the Data Privacy and Security Policy or shall have adopted a data privacy and security policy that is substantially similar to the [Organization] policy. Privacy Officer The [Organization] shall appoint an Information Security Officer to review and maintain the Procedures and monitor compliance with the guidelines set forth in the Procedures. Management and Training 1. Access to non-public personal information shall be limited to authorized users who need to have access to carry out the [maasys.com]’s responsibilities as it relates to that information. 2. Each employee and authorized user with access to non-public personal information shall annually sign a copy of the [maasys.com]’s Data and Privacy Security Policy and Procedures and agree to abide by its terms. 3. Except as required by law, when the [maasys.com] provides non-public personal information to third parties, it shall first provide a copy of this Data Privacy and Security Policy and require the third party to certify that it has read the policy and agrees to comply with applicable provisions, or that it has a substantially similar data privacy and security policy and that it will comply with the applicable provisions of its policy with respect to the non-public personal information provided. 4. The [maasys.com] will perform a background check as further defined in the [maasys.com]’s human resources policies on employees with access to non-public personal information. Any third party with access to non-public personal information must certify that it has performed a background check on its employees who have access to the [maasys.com]’s non-public personal information. 5. The [maasys.com] will have in place a succession plan for key persons in the event of a disruption to normal business processes.